Work With Me

At the Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language, we are always looking for new members to join our team.


If you are interested in joining the Spoken Language group, feel free to email me at: to introduce yourself and tell me a bit about your research interests (attaching a CV would also be helpful).

Prospective Master's and PhD students

The BCBL offers two training programs in collaboration with the University of the Basque Country:


Master's program in Cognitive Neuroscience of Language.


Doctoral program in Cognitive Neuroscience of Language.


Follow the corresponding links to find more information about each program and the application procedures.


Examples of funding opportunities:

Doctoral INPhINIT Fellowships (awarded by the "laCaixa" foundation - call opens yearly with deadline in January)

Formación de Profesorado Universitario (awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Education - call opens yearly with deadline in January)


Incoming PhD students can develop their PhD project within one of the following lines:

*Optimizing word learning: How and when to mix orthography, phonology, and semantics

*Word learning in mutlilingual environments: To mix or not to mix languages?

*How individual differences in speech perception shape L2 learning

*How automatic is speech perception? The role of working memory in spoken word recognition


I am also happy to discuss other ideas the student may have (as long as they fall within the broader scope of the group).


Prospective Postdoctoral Researchers

Examples of funding opportunities:

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships (awarded by the European Commission - you need to have completed your PhD before the application deadline, usually around mid-September)

Juan de la Cierva Postdoctoral Fellowships (awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Science - you need to have completed your PhD before the application deadline, usually around late-January) - see 2024 invitation for sponsoring JdC applications here


Visiting students and interns

The BCBL offers various opportunities for students and graduates who would like to do an internship and gain hands-on research experience at the center. If you are interested in joining the Spoken Language group as an intern, feel free to email me at:


Potential collaborators

If you are interested in a potential collaboration, feel to free to email me at: