
Related research

Mechanisms of Audio-visual Categorization Lab (MACLab) at the University of Iowa, USA


Research on Human Development at the University of Iowa, USA


Research on Language and Learning at the University of Athens, Greece


Psycholinguistics Research Group at the University of York, UK


Maglab: Cognitive Neuroscience of Language & Cognition at the University of Connecticut, USA


Language and Cognition Program at the University of Connecticut, USA


Research on Language and Development at the Universities of Wiscnonsin-Madison, Minnesotta, and Ohio, USA


Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics

Useful resources

Stimulus selection

MRC Psycholinguistic Database for English (free)


Irvine Phonotactic Online Dictionary (IPhOD) for English (free)


CLEARPOND Database for Dutch, English, French, German, and Spanish lexical frequencies and phonological / orthographic neighborhood densities (free)


ILSP PsychoLinguistic Resource for Greek (free)


MultiPic A standardized set of 750 drawings with multilingual norms (free)

Stimulus processing

PRAAT and PRAAT scripts for manipulation of audio files (free)


KlattWorks speech synthesizer (free)


Fantamorph software for visual morphing

Data collection

SR Research Complete Eye Tracking Solutions


DMDX software system for stimulus presentation and response recording in psychological experiments (free)


CheckVocal for checking vocal responses collected through DMDX (free)



Data analysis

R Statistical processing package (free)


bdots: Bootstrapped Differences of Time Series R package for analyzing differences among time series curves with p-value adjustment for multiple comparisons introduced in Oleson et al (2015) (free)


EEGLAB open Matlab toolbox for processing EEG event-related and other electrophysiological data (free)


ERPLAB open Matlab package for processing ERP data (tightly integrated with EEGLAB) (free)


BrainVision Analyzer for processing EEG data

Other useful stuff



Python (free)

Random useful scripts

IPA charts in English and Greek